Monday, July 11, 2011

Someone else may be out of a job

June Numbers

Bummed by the June job numbers? So is the president. A political scientist of our acquaintance said he thought Obama was a shoo-in for 2012 until the last job figures came out. Now our source thinks the prez has a problem.

For one thing, unemployment is 1.6 points higher than when he took office 2 1/2 years ago. (Mr. President, if you end up looking for a job, there's a free copy of How to Find a Job with your name on it.)

On the other hand, you can look at the numbers like Forbes does: " ... we’re continuing to see minimal improvement in job market." No, I have no idea what they're talking about.

Even more embarrassing, Alberta--a single province in Canada--added more jobs in June (22,000) than the whole United States did (18,000).

It's worse if you're a teen. California and Georgia are tied for "worst teen unemployment" in the US--34.6%!


Going for huge numbers of LinkedIn contacts is meaningless--people are only useful if you're working with them. Give and take. Lila in this cartoon strip makes the same point a tad more poetically.

Might want to consider a quick email monthly to your networking group. Presumbably you're interacting with them more frequently than that--but perhaps over specific issues. It may be a good idea to give them a short "big picture" every 4 weeks.

Cris Recruits a Company is an interesting look at what a blog can do to help the search. It's another chance for a company to see how you self-start, create and deliver.


I advocate intensely studying a company to come up with 10 ways they can improve their bottom line. Another person says you should create a full "White Paper" and mail it to everybody. I don't go along with "carpet bombing" but we agree on research. You can't go in cold.

---brought to you by How to Find a Job ebook and free articles

Image courtesy of Marcus74id

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