Friday, June 3, 2011

New jobs take a nosedive

They keep talking recovery in the economy. But only 54,000 nonfarm payroll jobs were added in the US in May (down from 232,000 in April.) Nationwide unemployment stands at 9.1%. (Figures from the New York Times 6-3-11)

In Ireland (15% unemployment), one jobseeker rented a billboard to tout his cause. He reports being deluged with interview offers from his $2,800 investment.

Update: 6-18-11: The stunt worked. The jobseeker was hired.

Forbes has an article that recommends spending only 10% of the job search online. It's unclear what you're supposed to do with the other 7.2 hours a day. Although, hey, if you can set up networking meetings for breakfast, lunch and dinner, more power to you!

How much can an employer check? They want to see your Facebook account and your web presence. But in 5 states, they can't check your credit report. 17 other states are considering similar laws. Reportedly, 65% of employers check credit on job applicants.

--How to Find a Job
Available for just $1.25 from Kindle or Nook or instant PDF download
Job hunting expenses may be tax deductible. Check with your accountant.

Image courtesy of Idea go

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