Sunday, June 5, 2011

The One Minute Résumé

More than 1/2 of employers give a résumé less than 60 seconds. So the question (as always) is can you quickly demonstrate on paper how you can help the company?

Yes, a résumé is not about what you've done. It's about what you can do for them. Sure, your experience may support the solution. But your knowledge of the company and focus on its needs has to shine through.

86% of those employers called a cover letter unimportant. I wouldn't skip this step since your prospect might be one of the 14% that wants to see a cover letter. Writing one is a good exercise in getting you to tailor your presentation to where the company has a hole.

Don't get caught in looking too narrowly. Are your skills transferrable to another field? .

If you're in school or just getting out, don't overlook any job searching opportunities your school offers. You paid for it. Fewer than 1 in 5 graduates participated in a recent college's job fair that had 118 employers.

Gotta love those optimists: "By now it should be crystal clear - even to those who have either a clouded vision or a biased view - that our economy is rapidly making up much of the ground it lost during the Great Recession." The author later admits that under the brightest hopes, the end of 2011 will see only 1/2 the jobs restored which were lost during the recession. No word on how he interprets jobs created crashing 76% from April to May.

---How to Find a Job
Available for just $1.25 from Kindle or Nook or instant PDF download
Job hunting expenses may be tax deductible. Check with your accountant.

Image courtesy of Ambro

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